This Week: McKinney Fire and More

Good afternoon-

Today my staff and I traveled to Siskiyou County to check in with the teams responding to multiple wildfires in the area. We first stopped by the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds to connect with Fair Manager Cliff Munson on the transition from preparing for the fair to creating a basecamp for the McKinney Fire. In the past few years‚ Cliff and the fair staff have become well versed in shifting gears from fair to fire. Unfortunately that means two of the last three fairs have been canceled because of these disasters. Although the fair has been canceled this year due to the fairgrounds being used for fire response‚ the Junior Livestock Market Animal Show was able to be relocated. Visit the fair’s website here for more information.

At 10:00 a.m. we attended the Cal Fire incident briefing at Yreka High School‚ where leaders from multiple organizations gave updates on the McKinney Fire‚ the Yeti Fire‚ and other fires in the area. My staff and I stayed afterward to connect with Cal Fire‚ County Supervisors‚ and other individuals who have been working around the clock on these incidents. We learned local leadership began rolling out the Livestock Pass Program- a bill I authored last year allowing farmers and ranchers to access their livestock in the event of an emergency- and it has proven successful in the communities who already began utilizing the program. According to Supervisor Nancy Ogren‚ there are currently 57 total individuals with Livestock Passes in Siskiyou. Learn more about the program here.

The 1st Assembly District‚ especially‚ is familiar with the impact wildfires have on our communities‚ and the devastation they can leave behind. My team and I are dedicated to assisting any way we can. If you or someone you know is being impacted by the fires in Siskiyou County‚ view the Siskiyou County Readiness page here.

Assemblywoman Megan Dahle


Assemblywoman Dahle standing with group from City of Anderson and Anderson Fire Protection District.Peter Fire Tour in Anderson

Thank you to the leaders from the City of Anderson and Anderson Fire Protection District who took us on a tour to survey neighborhoods impacted by the recent Peter Fire.

Prior to the fire‚ these areas remained green all summer because of water from the Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District canal. The district is a Sacramento River Settlement Contractor and has senior rights to water from Lake Shasta‚ however‚ the canal has no water this year for the first time ever due to drought and poor management by state agencies.

The surrounding communities in the irrigation district are experiencing dry wells‚ dead trees‚ extreme fire hazard and harm to wildlife. My team and I are committed to doing all we can to get their water back.

Assemblywoman Dahle sitting at table with Anderson City Councilwoman Melissa Hunt and friends.Meeting with Anderson Councilwoman Melissa Hunts

This week Anderson City Councilwoman Melissa Hunt and her friend Kelly traveled to Sacramento to join my staff and I for lunch and a tour of the Capitol. It was great to connect about local issues and victories‚ and discuss ideas for the continued betterment of the communities we serve.

Thank you to Councilwoman Hunt and Kelly for joining us!

Assemblywoman Dahle and her staff.This Week…

This week’s newsletter is brought to you from the McKinney Fire basecamp at Yreka High School…our team does whatever it takes to get the job done!


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Assemblywoman Dahle is Honored to Serve
Butte County‚ Lassen County‚ Modoc County‚ Nevada County‚ Placer County‚ Plumas County‚ Shasta County‚ Sierra County‚ & Siskiyou County.