AB 584, as introduced, Hadwick. Firearms dealers and manufacturers: secure facilities.
Existing law defines a secure facility, for purposes of requirements for firearms dealers to store firearms when the dealer is not open for business, as a building that, among other requirements, has perimeter doorways with specified characteristics, including that the doorway is a windowless or windowed steel security door equipped with both a dead bolt and a doorknob lock, as specified, or a metal grate that is padlocked and affixed to the licensee’s premises, as specified. Existing law defines a secure facility, for purposes of requirements for firearms manufacturers to store manufactured firearms and barrels, as a facility that has perimeter doorways with additional specified characteristics, including that the doorway has hinges and hasps attached to doors by welding, riveting, or bolting with nuts on the inside of the door or that are installed so that they cannot be removed when the doors are closed and locked.
Under existing law, failure to comply with these requirements is grounds for the forfeiture or revocation of a license or the imposition of a civil fine, as specified.
This bill would expand the definition of a secure facility for the entities described above to allow a doorway with a windowed or windowless steel door that is equipped with panic hardware that operates a multipoint lock that bolts into the interior frame of the door, as specified.